Our Principles
To encourage and enable heath care professionals to gain
experience and provide help when requested overseas
To encourage the formation of specialist groups that
regularly provide for unmet needs in various parts of the world
To try to correct for some of the exploitation that is currently
occurring as developed countries take professionals as "cheap labour" from
To do this without encouraging Medical Tourism
To do this in a sustainable way - money generated through Medics
Travel is reinvested to further skill acquisition and transfer
MEDICSTRAVEL has been set up to help doctors, nurses,
physios, theatre staff, radiographers and other health professionals arrange
work and electives overseas. It provides ideas of places to go as well as lists
of hospitals in over 120 different countries. It also lists Non Governmental
Organisations and Recruitment Agencies that work all over the world.
Medics Travel receives over 900 visits every day
(25,000 per month) and this continues to increase. We have over 5000 doctors and
other medical staff in our database looking for work overseas.
It was set up and is run by
Dr Mark
Wilson and accompanies the book “The
Medics Guide to Work and Elective Around the World”.
Click here to see articles he has written
The site is simply here to encourage and make it easier to work
overseas, both through voluntary and paid work.
Medicine really is you passport to the world - there is no other profession
which allows you to be welcomed in virtually every corner of the globe. We have
universal skills that enable us to experience and get involved in all kinds of